Entries by acj

Girl in Intel school

Girl from TanzaniaID: TANZ 4 This little girl currently lives with her mother who sells food by the road. Running a roadside business is tough, and she has had a hard time living with her mother on the road. It is our hope that through your generosity and benevolent help, she will stay in school […]

Boy Intel school

Boy from the INTEL school project TanzaniaID: TANZ 3 This little boy is a grade 1 student whose dreams were almost cut short when his parents are farmers and financially unable to send him to school. He is very active, aware of his surroundings and curious, all good ingredients for a brilliant mind. Intel is […]

Girl in Intel school

Girl from the INTEL school project Tanzania ID: TANZ. 2 This little girl currently lives with her father and aunt, and since they are both struggling financially, it has been hard to find money to start her schooling. At Intel School, they really hope that she gets the best out of what life has to […]

Girl Intel school

Girl INTEL school project Tanzania ID: TANZ I Her father abandoned her and her brother when they were very young. Their mother, who runs a small business selling vegetables from a roadside stall, has struggled to get them to school. Her mother would be eternally grateful for the opportunity you give her child through support […]

Girl from Mumbai

Pige Casp projekt Indien, Mumbay ID: CAP 4   Swara bor hos sine forældre i Mumbai og og har en søster. Hendes far arbejder som vagtmand. Hendes mor er tjenestepige. Swara`s ældre søster Utsavi er studerende.  Begge børn passer  deres studier godt og ansvarsfuldt. Begge forældre er meget opsatte på deres børns skolegang og fremti […]

Girl from Mumbai

Girl Casp project India, Mumbai ID: CAP 2 A girl who is 9 years old. She and her family are doing well here. She is quiet by nature. She helps her mother in her household work.  The little girl is studying in 4th standard in Mary Immaculate Girls High School in Mumbai. Her school hours […]

Girl from Tankebar

Girl from the Trankebar project Pudhu Punal ID: Tra 2 India Indian 13-year-old girl is in great need of help, as the father has left the family. The mother earned only a little money by sewing, she has now fallen ill and does not know how the family will fare in the future. The family […]

Girl from Trankebar

Girl from the Trankebar project Pudhu Punal ID: Tra In India 12-year-old girl, whose parents are poor farm workers with a miserable salary. Since the parents have a long way to go, every day, to work, the girl was left to her own devices. She has now been admitted to St. JOSEPH´S home for poor […]